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Design of SEPIC Converter for Battery Charging System using ANFIS
Corresponding Author(s) : Indhana Sudiharto
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control,
Vol. 9, No. 2, May 2024
Rechargeable batteries are the most widely used medium for storing energy today. One type of rechargeable battery that is widely used is lithium-ion batteries. The large use of lithium-ion batteries in society requires companies to conduct research so that the life time of these batteries can last a long time and charging can take place quickly. Charging system at this time is less efficient in charging lithium batteries where the time needed is still quite long where when lithium batteries are charged with a long time can cause the battery to heat up quickly and can reduce the life time of the battery. To overcome this, a system is needed that can control the battery charger process so that the output voltage and current are constant and battery charging is faster. It is hoped that the SEPIC converter system can help many people who forget to unplug the power supply during the charging process so as to maintain the life time of the battery. Setting the output voltage and current in the DC-DC converter can be done using an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System which aims to keep the output of SEPIC stable according to the setting point. In this system, the DC-DC converter used is a SEPIC converter which can increase and decrease the output voltage for battery charging. The battery charging process uses the CC-CV method. In the test, the average error is 0.025% where when the SOC is 60% to 80% the average error is 0.04% and when the SOC is 80% to 95% the average error is 0.0005%.
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- I. Sudiharto, M. I. Rahadyan, and O. A. Qudsi, “Design and Implementation of Buck Converter for Fast Charging with Fuzzy Logic,” JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering), vol. 5, no. 1, Apr. 2021.
- A. P. Hakim, S. S. Suprapto, and M. N. Farid, “Pengaruh Beban dan Filter pada Penyearah AC-DC Terkendali untuk Rangkaian Pengisi Li-ion Berbasis Bridge Rectifier dan Buck Converter Menggunakan Metode CC/CV,” JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 88–98, Apr. 2021.
- IEEE Staff, 2017 8th Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC). IEEE, 2017.
- S. L. Wu, H. C. Chen, and C. H. Chien, “A Novel Active Cell Balancing Circuit and Charging Strategy in Lithium Battery Pack,” Energies 2019, Vol. 12, Page 4473, vol. 12, no. 23, p. 4473, Nov. 2019.
- B. R. Putri, I. Sudiharto, and F. D. Murdianto, “An Accurate Battery Charger SEPIC-Coupled Inductor Using Fuzzy Type 2,” INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 79–90, Oct. 2021.
- N. K. Wardani, R. M. Arpin, and M. A. Hidayat, “Rancang Bangun Modul Dioda and Rectifier,” Dewantara Journal of Technology, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–4, May 2022.
- A. T. Prasetyo, . E., B. Suprianto, and P. W. Rusimamto, “Desain Sistem Pengaturan Sudut Aero Pendulum Menggunakan Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Berbasis MATLAB,” JURNAL TEKNIK ELEKTRO, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 387–395, Jun. 2021.
- R. Rakhmawati, Z. Rana Khalisa Permana, R. Prilian Eviningsih, and P. Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, “Fast Charging pada Baterai Li-Ion dengan Kontrol ANFIS,” Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 93–100, May 2023.
- “Techno Xplore : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi.”
- R. Amrullah Akisa, D. Dewatama, and P. Negeri Malang, “Peningkatan Efisiensi SEPIC Converter dengan MPPT Incremental Conductance pada Panel Surya,” JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu), vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 73–80, Apr. 2023.
- M. Arif, T. Hardianto, B. S. Kaloko, M. Gozali, and B. Sujanarko, “Rancang Bangun Sepic Converter Untuk Panel Surya Dengan MPPT Incremental Conductance Sebagai Pengisian Baterai Sepeda Listrik,” Apr. 2022.
- H. Nur Hermala, S. Riyadi, L. H. Pratomo, F. B. Setiawan, and D. A. Wibisono, “Desain dan Implementasi Kendali Digital Histeresis Pada Topologi Sepic Buck-Boost Konverter,” HermalaProsiding Seminar Nasional Riset dan Teknologi Terapan (Ritektra), 2021•, 2021.
- F. Musahiroh, M. Rifadil, and D. S. Yanaratri, “Desain dan Implementasi Buck Converter Pada Sistem Power Supply untuk Mesin Cuci dengan Menggunakan Panel Surya,” JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu), vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 8–14, Apr. 2023.
- D. Septi Yanaratri and F. Rahmatullah, “Desain dan Simulasi Battery Charger Metode CC-CV (Constant Current-Constant Voltage) dengan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy Menggunakan MATLAB,” CYCLOTRON, vol. 4, no. 2, Aug. 2021.
- I. N. W. Satiawan, . S., and I. B. F. Citarsa, “Desain Buck Converter Untuk Charging Batere Pada Beban Bervariasi,” DIELEKTRIKA, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 30–35, Mar. 2018.
- S. Y. Tseng, T. C. Shih, S. Y. Fan, and G. K. Chang, “Design and implementation of lithium-ion/lithium-polymer battery charger with impedance compensation,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, pp. 866–870, 2009.
- N. I. Mufaâ€TMary, I. Sudiharto, and F. D. Murdianto, “Comparison of FLC and ANFIS Methods to Keep Constant Power Based on Zeta Converter,” INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 21–29, Jul. 2021.
- R. N. Fajriani, F. Asriani, and H. Susilawati, “Penerapan Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) untuk Pemantauan Status Gunung Merapi,” Seminar Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1, pp. 140–150, Oct. 2018.
- I. Winarno and F. Wulandari, “Solar Tracking System Single Axis Pada Solar Sel Untuk Mengoptimalkan Daya Dengan Metode Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS),” Prosiding Semnastek, vol. 0, no. 0, Dec. 2017.
- E. Joelianto and B. Rahmat, “Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) with Error Backpropagation Algorithm using Mapping Function,” International Journal of Artificial IntelligenceTM, vol. 1, no. A08, pp. 3–22, Sep. 2008.
- R. N. Amalia, W. Kusuma, and H. A. Yuniq, “Desain dan Analisa Closed Loop Boost Converter Terintegrasi Solar PV Berbasis Fuzzy Logic Controller,” Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Elektronik, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 130–139, Apr. 2023.
- A. Ilyas, S. Jahan, and M. Ayyub, “Tuning Of Conventional Pid And Fuzzy Logic Controller Using Different Defuzzification Techniques,” International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2013.
- N. Effendy, M. H. Hasan, and F. Wikatmono, “Implementasi Logika Fuzzy untuk Mengendalikan PH dan Level Air Kolam Renang,” Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI), 2008.
I. Sudiharto, M. I. Rahadyan, and O. A. Qudsi, “Design and Implementation of Buck Converter for Fast Charging with Fuzzy Logic,” JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering), vol. 5, no. 1, Apr. 2021.
A. P. Hakim, S. S. Suprapto, and M. N. Farid, “Pengaruh Beban dan Filter pada Penyearah AC-DC Terkendali untuk Rangkaian Pengisi Li-ion Berbasis Bridge Rectifier dan Buck Converter Menggunakan Metode CC/CV,” JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 88–98, Apr. 2021.
IEEE Staff, 2017 8th Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC). IEEE, 2017.
S. L. Wu, H. C. Chen, and C. H. Chien, “A Novel Active Cell Balancing Circuit and Charging Strategy in Lithium Battery Pack,” Energies 2019, Vol. 12, Page 4473, vol. 12, no. 23, p. 4473, Nov. 2019.
B. R. Putri, I. Sudiharto, and F. D. Murdianto, “An Accurate Battery Charger SEPIC-Coupled Inductor Using Fuzzy Type 2,” INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 79–90, Oct. 2021.
N. K. Wardani, R. M. Arpin, and M. A. Hidayat, “Rancang Bangun Modul Dioda and Rectifier,” Dewantara Journal of Technology, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–4, May 2022.
A. T. Prasetyo, . E., B. Suprianto, and P. W. Rusimamto, “Desain Sistem Pengaturan Sudut Aero Pendulum Menggunakan Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Berbasis MATLAB,” JURNAL TEKNIK ELEKTRO, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 387–395, Jun. 2021.
R. Rakhmawati, Z. Rana Khalisa Permana, R. Prilian Eviningsih, and P. Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, “Fast Charging pada Baterai Li-Ion dengan Kontrol ANFIS,” Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 93–100, May 2023.
“Techno Xplore : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi.”
R. Amrullah Akisa, D. Dewatama, and P. Negeri Malang, “Peningkatan Efisiensi SEPIC Converter dengan MPPT Incremental Conductance pada Panel Surya,” JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu), vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 73–80, Apr. 2023.
M. Arif, T. Hardianto, B. S. Kaloko, M. Gozali, and B. Sujanarko, “Rancang Bangun Sepic Converter Untuk Panel Surya Dengan MPPT Incremental Conductance Sebagai Pengisian Baterai Sepeda Listrik,” Apr. 2022.
H. Nur Hermala, S. Riyadi, L. H. Pratomo, F. B. Setiawan, and D. A. Wibisono, “Desain dan Implementasi Kendali Digital Histeresis Pada Topologi Sepic Buck-Boost Konverter,” HermalaProsiding Seminar Nasional Riset dan Teknologi Terapan (Ritektra), 2021•, 2021.
F. Musahiroh, M. Rifadil, and D. S. Yanaratri, “Desain dan Implementasi Buck Converter Pada Sistem Power Supply untuk Mesin Cuci dengan Menggunakan Panel Surya,” JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu), vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 8–14, Apr. 2023.
D. Septi Yanaratri and F. Rahmatullah, “Desain dan Simulasi Battery Charger Metode CC-CV (Constant Current-Constant Voltage) dengan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy Menggunakan MATLAB,” CYCLOTRON, vol. 4, no. 2, Aug. 2021.
I. N. W. Satiawan, . S., and I. B. F. Citarsa, “Desain Buck Converter Untuk Charging Batere Pada Beban Bervariasi,” DIELEKTRIKA, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 30–35, Mar. 2018.
S. Y. Tseng, T. C. Shih, S. Y. Fan, and G. K. Chang, “Design and implementation of lithium-ion/lithium-polymer battery charger with impedance compensation,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, pp. 866–870, 2009.
N. I. Mufaâ€TMary, I. Sudiharto, and F. D. Murdianto, “Comparison of FLC and ANFIS Methods to Keep Constant Power Based on Zeta Converter,” INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 21–29, Jul. 2021.
R. N. Fajriani, F. Asriani, and H. Susilawati, “Penerapan Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) untuk Pemantauan Status Gunung Merapi,” Seminar Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1, pp. 140–150, Oct. 2018.
I. Winarno and F. Wulandari, “Solar Tracking System Single Axis Pada Solar Sel Untuk Mengoptimalkan Daya Dengan Metode Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS),” Prosiding Semnastek, vol. 0, no. 0, Dec. 2017.
E. Joelianto and B. Rahmat, “Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) with Error Backpropagation Algorithm using Mapping Function,” International Journal of Artificial IntelligenceTM, vol. 1, no. A08, pp. 3–22, Sep. 2008.
R. N. Amalia, W. Kusuma, and H. A. Yuniq, “Desain dan Analisa Closed Loop Boost Converter Terintegrasi Solar PV Berbasis Fuzzy Logic Controller,” Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Elektronik, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 130–139, Apr. 2023.
A. Ilyas, S. Jahan, and M. Ayyub, “Tuning Of Conventional Pid And Fuzzy Logic Controller Using Different Defuzzification Techniques,” International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2013.
N. Effendy, M. H. Hasan, and F. Wikatmono, “Implementasi Logika Fuzzy untuk Mengendalikan PH dan Level Air Kolam Renang,” Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI), 2008.