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Sensorless Field-Oriented Control (FOC) using Sliding Mode Observer for BLDC Motor
Corresponding Author(s) : Abdul Hafid Arif
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control,
Vol. 9, No. 2, May 2024
Motor Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) has become the preferred choice in various engineering applications. However, BLDC motor control involves high complexity, and motor performance depends on the control algorithms used. This research discusses the use of sensorless control methods, specifically the Sliding Mode Observer (SMO) for rotor position and speed estimation in BLDC motors within the context of Field-Oriented Control (FOC), validated through simulations using Matlab/Simulink. Simulation results indicate that SMO provides rapid dynamic response to current changes, albeit with slight delays at high speeds. Rotor position estimation with SMO is also reasonably accurate in both steady-state and transient conditions, affirming the iveness of SMO in sensorless control for BLDC motors. SMO can be experimentally implemented to enhance sensorless control in BLDC motors by reducing the cost of installing Hall sensors while maintaining comparable performance.
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Mousmi, A., Abbou, A., & El Houm, Y. (2017, April). Trapezoidal control of Brushless DC motor based on DSP F28335. In 2017 International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems (WITS) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Liu, C., & Luo, Y. (2017). Overview of advanced control strategies for electric machines. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, 3(2), 53-61.
Golesorkhie, F., Yang, F., Vlacic, L., & Tansley, G. (2020). Field-Oriented control-based reduction of the vibration and power consumption of a blood pump. Energies, 13(15), 3907.
Biniakos, N., & Iakovakis, V. (2019). Sensored Field-Oriented control of BLDC motor for pico satellite attitude control. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 4.
Amalia, Z., Khabib, A., Yudaningtyas, E., Machfuroh, T., Aini, F. A. N., & Rosady, S. D. N. (2023). Field-Oriented Control untuk Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor BLDC pada Sepeda Motor Listrik. Jurnal Elektronika dan Otomasi Industri, 10(1), 1-8.
Song, X., Han, B., & Wang, K. (2018). Sensorless drive of high-speed BLDC motors based on virtual third-harmonic back EMF and high-precision compensation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34(9), 8787-8796.
Wu, Z., & Wang, H. (2013, October). Sensorless control of the brushless DC motors based on TMS320F2812. In 2013 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS) (pp. 1184-1188). IEEE.
Zhang, H., Tu, Y., & Wang, T. (2014, October). Sensor-less control for brushless DC motors based on hybrid sliding mode observer. In 2014 7th International conference on intelligent computation technology and automation (pp. 636-639). IEEE.
Baratieri, C. L., & Pinheiro, H. (2013, October). An IF starting method for smooth and fast transition to sensorless control of BLDC motors. In 2013 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (pp. 836-843). IEEE.
Song, X., Han, B., & Wang, K. (2018). Sensorless drive of high-speed BLDC motors based on virtual third-harmonic back EMF and high-precision compensation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34(9), 8787-8796.
Chen, X., & Liu, G. (2019). Sensorless optimal commutation steady speed control method for a nonideal back-EMF BLDC motor drive system including buck converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 67(7), 6147-6157.
Song, X., Han, B., Zheng, S., & Chen, S. (2017). A novel sensorless rotor position detection method for high-speed surface PM motors in a wide speed range. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33(8), 7083-7093.
Gamazo-Real, J. C., Vázquez-Sánchez, E., & Gómez-Gil, J. (2010). Position and speed control of brushless DC motors using sensorless techniques and application trends. sensors, 10(7), 6901-6947.
Ni, Y., & Shao, D. (2021, June). Research of Improved MRAS Based Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Considering Parameter Sensitivity. In 2021 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Management, Communicates, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC) (Vol. 4, pp. 633-638). IEEE.
Aishwarya, V., & Jayanand, B. (2016, March). Estimation and control of sensorless brushless dc motor drive using extended kalman filter. In 2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
Chen, S., Liu, G., & Zhu, L. (2018). Sensorless startup strategy for a 315-kW high-speed brushless DC motor with small inductance and nonideal back EMF. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(3), 1703-1714.
Shah, V., & Vijayakumari, A. (2018, April). Field-Oriented control of surface mount permanent magnet synchronous machine with non linear observer for continuous rotor position estimation. In 2018 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Girija, P. K., & Prince, A. (2014, January). Robustness evaluation of SMO in sensorless control of BLDC motor under DTC scheme. In 2014 International Conference on Power Signals Control and Computations (EPSCICON) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Carey, K. D., Zimmerman, N., & Ababei, C. (2019). Hybrid Field-Oriented and direct torque control for sensorless BLDC motors used in aerial drones. IET Power Electronics, 12(3), 438-449.
Gambhir, R., & Jha, A. K. (2013). Brushless DC motor: Construction and applications. Int. J. Eng. Sci, 2(5), 72-77.
Munoz-Gomez, G., Alanis, A. Y., & Rivera, J. (2018). Nested high order sliding mode controller applied to a brushless direct current motor. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(13), 174-179.
Qiao, Z., Shi, T., Wang, Y., Yan, Y., Xia, C., & He, X. (2012). New sliding-mode observer for position sensorless control of permanent-magnet synchronous motor. IEEE Transactions on Industrial electronics, 60(2), 710-719.
Mehta, H., Joshi, V., & Kurulkar, P. (2016, June). Implementation issues of sliding mode observer for sensorless Field-Oriented control of PMSM using TMS320F2812. In 2016 IEEE Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Sharifian, M. B. B., Herizchi, T., & Firouzjah, K. G. (2009, October). Field-Oriented control of permanent magnet synchronous motor using predictive space vector modulation. In 2009 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (Vol. 2, pp. 574-579). IEEE.
Fakham, H., Djemaï, M., & Busawon, K. (2008). Design and practical implementation of a back-EMF sliding-mode observer for a brushless DC motor. IET Electric Power Applications, 2(6), 353-361.