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Stand-Alone Hybrid PV System by Using The Bypass Converter Topology to Optimize the Reliable of Device
Corresponding Author(s) : Nur Alif Mardiayah
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control,
Vol. 8, No. 2, May 2023
One of the applications of DC-DC converters in photovoltaic-battery hybrid systems is a two-way converter used for battery charging. The power supplied to the two-way converter experiences twice the power lost during the battery charging process. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange a phovoltaic-battery hybrid system topology so that only one stage of power conversion occurs when charging the battery so that the power loss is smaller. The proposed topology of this system uses three DC-DC converters connected to a battery and a DC bus. The one-way converter used in this system allows cross-connection between other DC-DC converters. Two one-way converters connect the phovoltaics to the DC bus and the photovoltaics to the battery, and the other one-way converter connects the battery to the DC bus. The purpose of using a one-way converter for charging the battery is called a bypass converter so that charging the battery does not go through two power conversions which cause twice the lost power. To make the proposed system more reliable, an inverter is added to the self-contained photovoltaic-battery hybrid system. Therefore, a control system is needed to maintain the DC bus voltage as input to the inverter using a double-loop control system. The two-loop Proportional-Integral control system is used for the DC electricity section while the Proportional-Resonant control system is used as an inverter control to maintain the balance of AC power. The results of system testing using Simulink/Matlab simulations show that the proposed topology uses a one-way converter capable of carrying out the battery charging process and can control the flow of power while maintaining DC and AC voltages.
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Ramadhan. Anwar ilmar, E. Diniardi, and Mukti. S.H, “Analisis Desain Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Kapasitas 50 WP,” Tek. Mesin UNDIP, 37 (2), 2016, 59-63, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 61–78, 2016.
A. Komarudin, “Desain Dan Analisis Proporsional Kontrol Buck-Boost Converter,” J. ELTEK, Malang Vol 12, No.02, Oktober 2014
N. Fauzi, M. Ashari, H. Suryoatmojo, and P. Alat, “Desain Dan Implementasi Maximum Power Point Tracker ( Mppt ) Solar Pv Berbasis Fuzzy Logic Menggunakan Mikrokontroller AVR,” Tek. Elektro-FTI, vol. 1, pp. 1–7, 2015.
T. Tri Arvianto, E. Wahjono, and I. Irianto, “Perancangan boost converter menggunakan kontrol proporsional integral ( PI ) sebagai suplai tegangan input inverter satu fasa untuk sistem uninterruptible power supply,” J. Sains dan Teknol., vol. 16, no. 02, pp. 136–146, 2020.
G. Ramalingam, A. K. Choudhary, and S. Mikkili, “Modeling and Analysis of a PV-based Shunt Active Filter with BESS for Power Quality Enhancement Under Dynamic Load Conditions,” 2018 15th IEEE India Counc. Int. Conf., vol. 0, no. 4, pp. 1–6.
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Y. Rahayu, R. Amri, and E. Hamdani, “Perancangan Konverter DC ke DC untuk Menstabilkan Tegangan Keluaran Panel Solar Cell Menggunakan Teknologi Boost Converter,” vol. 1099, pp. 61–66.
M. Z. E. Wasith Dany Mufty, Dimas Okky Anggriawan, “Baterai Charger Vrla Dengan Metode Constant Current Constant Voltage Berbasis Kontrol PI Wasith,” ISAS Publ. SENTRINOV Ke-6, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 235–243, 2020.
A. Pradipta, Kontrol Aliran Daya Sistem Managemen Baterai Dengan Kontrol Droop Pada Sistem Pembangkit Hibrid PLTS-PLTB. 2018.
Husnaini Irma dan Krismadinata, “Komparasi Pengendali Pi Dan Pid Untuk Tegangan Keluaran Konverter Buck,” Jur. Tek. Elektro, Fak. Tek. Univ. Negeri Padang, vol. 6, no. 3, 2017.
S. Park, J. Shin, J. Park, and H. Jeon, “Dynamic Analysis and Controller Design for Standalone Operation of Photovoltaic Power Conditioners with Energy Storage,” vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 2004–2012, 2014.
D. Bhule, S. Jain, and S. Ghosh, “Power Management Control Strategy for PV-Battery Standalone System,” IEEE, no. PIICON 2020-9th IEEE Power India Int. Conf., pp. 0–5, 2020.
S. Jain, S. M. Ieee, S. Dhara, S. Member, V. Agarwal, and F. Ieee, “A Voltage-Zone Based Power Management Scheme with Seamless Power Transfer between PV- Battery for OFF-Grid Stand-alone System,” vol. 9994, no. c, pp. 1–10, 2020.
M. Kalantar, “Power management of PV / battery hybrid power source via passivity-based control,” vol. 36, pp. 2440–2450, 2011.
H. Fakham, D. Lu, B. Francois, and S. Member, “Power Control Design of a Battery Charger in a Hybrid Active PV Generator for Load-Following Applications,” vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 85–94, 2011.
O. Akeyo, N. Jewell, and D. M. Ionel, “Improving the Capacity Factor and Stability of Multi-MW Grid Connected PV Systems with Results from a 1MW / 2MWh Battery Demonstrator,” pp. 2504–2509, 2018.
S. Dhara, “A Novel Voltage-Zone based power management scheme for PV- Battery based Standalone System,” 2018 8th IEEE India Int. Conf. Power Electron., vol. 333, pp. 1–6, 2018.
Putra. F.T.W., “Rancang Bangun DC - DC Sepic Converter dengan Kontrol MPPT pada Panel Surya Berbasis PID,” Elektro, Jur. Tek. Tek. Fak. Jember, Univ., 2020.
Hakim, E.A, T. Al Ghufran, M. Effendy, and N. Setyawan, “MPPT Menggunakan Algoritme Particle Swarm Optimization dan Artificial Bee Colony "MPPT Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm” J. Nas. Tek. Elektro dan Teknol. Inf., vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 218–224, 2020.
Yanaratri D.S., L. P. S. R, I. Ferdiansyah, and R. P. E, “Desain dan Implementasi MPPT PSO pada Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Portable,” J. Teknol. Terpadu, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 34–43, 2021.
Ferlita O., “Optimasi maximum power point tracking pada array photovoltaic menggunakan algoritma particle swarm optimization dan firefly algorithm,” Universitas Brawijaya, 2018.
Setyawan, N., Hakim, E.A. and Zulfatman, “Signature Pso: Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Dengan Fuzzy Signature Dan Implementasi Pada Optimalisasi Kendali LQR,” Multitek Indones. J. Ilm., vol. 13 No. 2, no. 2, pp. 29–38, 2019.