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An Evaluation of Complementary Filter Method in Increasing the Performance of Motion Tracking Gloves for Virtual Reality Games
Corresponding Author(s) : Fairus Zuhair Azizy Atoir
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control,
Vol. 6, No. 2, May 2021
In the use of Virtual Reality-based video games, users need additional devices to interact, one of which is a Motion Tracking Glove. The Motion Tracking Glove is one of the enhancements that users can use to interact with objects in VR video games. To get the angle value, an accelerometer sensor is used in the MPU6050 module. However, the problem that arises is the accuracy of the sensor because VR demands a low error rate. The purpose of this study is to improve the accuracy of the angular value of the accelerometer sensor value with a complementary filter. Complementary filters can increase the accuracy of the accelerometer sensor by combining its value with the gyroscope sensor value. The Motion Tracking Glove is built using the Arduino Nano and the MPU6050 module to capture angles that move according to hand movements, to connect and exchange data to the main VR device, the Motion Tracking Glove using the Bluetooth module. The results are RMSE 0.6 and MAPE 2.5% with a static Motion Tracking Glove position without movement. In sending Motion Tracking Glove data using the Bluetooth module, the resulting delay time when sending ranges from 0.1 second to 0.4 seconds by trying to move the Motion Tracking Glove from 0 degrees to 90 degrees and back to 0 degrees.
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J. L. Rubio-Tamayo, M. Gértrudix and F. García, "Immersive Environments and Virtual Reality: Systematic Review and Advances in Communication, Interaction and Simulation," Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. 1, 2017.
V. T. Minh, N. Katushin and J. Pumwa , "Motion tracking glove for augmented reality and virtual reality," Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, vol. 10, pp. 160-166, 2019.
M. J, G. D, B. V, G. O and C. T, "Touchless Haptic Feedback for Supernatural VR Experiences," IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), pp. 629-630, 2018.
F. A. D, F. K and C. B. F. N, "First Person Shooter VR based Game on 10 November 1945 With Motion Controller".
N. de la Pena, P. Weil, J. Llobera, E. Giannopoulos, A. P, B. S, D. F, M. Sanchez-Vives and M. S, "Immersive Journalism: Immersive Virtual Reality for the First-Person Experience of News," Presence, vol. 19, pp. 291-301, 2010.
C. Hillmann, "Comparing the Gear VR, Oculus Go, and Oculus Quest," Unreal for Mobile and Standalone VR, 2019.
N. Katzakis and M. Hori, "Mobile Phones as 3-DOF Controllers: A Comparative Study," 2009 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, pp. 345-349, 2009.
H. Youngmo, "Low-Cost Visual Motion Data Glove as an Input Device to Interpret Human Hand Gestures," Consumer Electronics, pp. 501 - 509, 2010.
M. Hilman, D. K. Basuki and S. Sukaridhoto, "Virtual Hand: VR Hand Controller Using IMU and Flex Sensor," 2018 International Electronics Symposium on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing (IES-KCIC), pp. 310-314, 2018.
M. P. Wilk, J. Torres-Sanchez, S. Tedesco and B. O'Flynn, "Wearable Human Computer Interface for Control Within Immersive VAMR Gaming Environments Using Data Glove and Hand Gestures," 2018 IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM), pp. 1-9, 2018.
J. Schild, L. Flock, P. Martens, B. Roth, N. Schünemann, E. Heller and S. Misztal, "EPICSAVE Lifesaving Decisions – a Collaborative VR Training Game Sketch for Paramedics," 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), pp. 1389-1389, 2019.
K.-B. Park and J. Lee, "Comparative Study on the Interface and Interaction for Manipulating 3D Virtual Objects in a Virtual Reality Environment," Transactions of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, vol. 21, pp. 20-30, 2016.
S. Lee, K. Park, J. Lee and K. Kim, "User Study of VR Basic Controller and Data Glove as Hand Gesture Inputs in VR Games," 2017 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality (ISUVR), pp. 1-3, 2017.
P. Weber, E. Rueckert, R. Calandra, J. Peters and P. Beckerle, "A low-cost sensor glove with vibrotactile feedback and multiple finger joint and hand motion sensing for human-robot interaction," 2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pp. 99-104, 2016.
S. Tregillus and e. folmer, "R-STEP: Walking-in-Place using Inertial Sensing for Hands Free Navigation in Mobile VR Environments.," in 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016.
J. Feasel, M. Whitton and J. Wendt, "LCM-WIP: Low-latency, continuous-motion walking-in-place," in 3D User Interfaces, 2008. 3DUI 2008. IEEE Symposium on, 2008.
R. Alexandre and O. Postolache, "Wearable and IoT Technologies Application for Physical Rehabilitation," in 2018 International Symposium in Sensing and Instrumentation in IoT Era (ISSI), Shanghai, 2018.
R. Alexandre, O. Postolache and P. S. Girão, "Physical Rehabilitation based on Smart Wearable and Virtual Reality Serious Game," in IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Auckland, 2019.
M. Kamal Mazhar, M. J. Khan, A. I. Bhatti and N. Naseer , "A Novel Roll and Pitch Estimation Approach for a Ground Vehicle Stability Improvement Using a Low Cost IMU," Sensors, vol. 20, p. 340, 2020.
R. Tavares and P. J. Sousa, "Virtual environment for instrumented glove," International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV), vol. 13, 2016.
A. Yudhana, J. Rahmawan and C. U. P. Negara, "Flex sensors and MPU6050 sensors responses on smart glove for sign language translation," 2017 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology (ICEAT), 2017.
J. Alvin, W. N. Wan Zakaria and M. R. B. Md Tomari, "Implementation of IMU sensor for elbow movement measurement of Badminton players," IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (ROMA), vol. 2, pp. 1-6, 2016.
J. M, B. E, N. E, E. F, R. L, K. K, M. P, T. M and J. W, "mobile motion analysis system using inertial sensors for analysis of lower limb prosthetics," in Conference: Future of Instrumentation International Workshop (FIIW), 2011.
J. B. Ko, J. S. Yoon, C. K. Lee, T. M. Byeon and J. S. Hong, "A Study on the Determining the Optimal Location of IMU Sensors in Dynamic Balance Measurement by Comparing Absolute Percentage Error between the 3D Motion Capture System and IMU Sensor," Computer Science, vol. 38, pp. 419-434, 2019.